Exakt, produktiv och lönsam tryckproduktion
RIP, färghantering och arbetsflöde för storformatsproduktion. Att introducera Fiery® XF 8 till din storformatsproduktion är det enklaste sättet att uppnå överlägsna färgresultat, få maximal produktivitet och dra nytta av affärsinsikter – allt med den oöverträffade kraften hos Fiery Command WorkStation®.
Som digitaltrycksproducent vill du ha den enklaste vägen till bästa färg- och tryckkvalitet, producerad på kortast möjliga tid. Operatörer behöver en arbetsflödeslösning som är anpassningsbar för att tillgodose olika jobbtyper och som låter dem automatisera upprepade jobb och repetitiva uppgifter. I en framgångsrik utskriftsanläggning måste du kunna distribuera både din teknik och din arbetsstyrka så flexibelt som möjligt – plus att du måste hålla inlärningskurvorna till ett minimum. Fiery XF 8 levererar allt detta och mer till din storformatstryckverksamhet.

Fiery® XF Proofing
Fiery XF 8 Proofing License & 1 YR SMSA.
Part Number: 3000014003
Fiery XF Proofing is the perfect solution for proof print production when driving one or more printers. Fiery XF Proofing includes:
- Fiery XF Server software for Windows® including:
- Color Profiler Option, Color Verifier Option, Spot Color support, FAST RIP
- No printer option included. Requires the addition of at least 1 printer option
- Unlimited macOS® or Windows® installations of Fiery Command WorkStation (Up to 10 concurrent connections)
- 1-year Software Maintenance & Support Agreement

Fiery® XF Production (with Cut Marks Option)
Fiery XF 8 Production License & 1 YR SMSA.
Part Number: 3000014004
Fiery XF Production is the perfect fit for inkjet print production when driving one or more printers. Fiery XF Production includes:
- Fiery XF Server software for Windows® including:
- Color Profiler Option, Cut Marks Option (for flatbed cutters), Spot Color support, FAST RIP
- No printer option included. Requires the addition of at least 1 printer option
- Unlimited macOS® or Windows® installations of Fiery Command WorkStation (Up to 10 concurrent connections)
- 1-year Software Maintenance & Support Agreement

Fiery® XF Production (with Cut Server Option)
Fiery XF 8 Production License & 1 YR SMSA.
Part Number: 3500000029
Fiery XF Production is the perfect fit for inkjet print production when driving one or more printers. Fiery XF Production includes:
- Fiery XF Server software for Windows® including:
- Color Profiler Option, Cut Server Option (for roll-to-roll cutters), Spot Color support, FAST RIP
- No printer option included. Requires the addition of at least 1 printer option
- Unlimited macOS® or Windows® installations of Fiery Command WorkStation (Up to 10 concurrent connections)
- 1-year Software Maintenance & Support Agreement

Printer Option Group 2 License
License to drive 1 printer in the Group 2 category.
Part Number: 3000013975
The Printer Option Group 2 License supports all printers in this printer group. At least one Printer Option must be added per Fiery XF. View the supported printers list.

Printer Option Group 3 License
License to drive 1 printer in the Group 3 category.
Part Number: 3000013976
The Printer Option Group 3 License supports all printers in this printer group. At least one Printer Option must be added per Fiery XF. View the supported printers list.

Printer Option Group 4 License
License to drive 1 printer in the Group 4 category.
Part Number: 3000013977
The Printer Option Group 4 License supports all printers in this printer group. At least one Printer Option must be added per Fiery XF. View the supported printers list.

Printer Option Group 5 License
License to drive 1 printer in the Group 5 category.
Part Number: 3000013978
The Printer Option Group 5 License supports all printers in this printer group. At least one Printer Option must be added per Fiery XF. View the supported printers list.

Printer Option Group 6 License
License to drive 1 printer in the Group 6 category.
Part Number: 3000013979
The Printer Option Group 6 License supports all printers in this printer group. At least one Printer Option must be added per Fiery XF. View the supported printers list.

Printer Option Group 7 License
License to drive 1 printer in the Group 7 category.
Part Number: 3000013980
The Printer Option Group 7 License supports all printers in this printer group. At least one Printer Option must be added per Fiery XF. View the supported printers list.

Color Profiler Option License
Provides ICC-based tools for professional creation of ICC and device link profiles based on the renowned Fiery Color Profiler Suite. Color Verifier Option not included.
Part Number: 3000013488
Included with all new Fiery XF 7.3 and above configurations (not included with version 7.0 to 7.2). This option delivers color precision, consistency and accuracy. The advanced tool set provides quick and easy ICC and device link profile creation that produces the highest quality results every time, increasing customer satisfaction. The option enables users to inspect, edit, and optimize profiles plus compare profile gamuts giving ultimate control over color output.

Color Verifier Option License
Verifies the quality and reliability of proofs and prints through measuring and comparing color values against ISO or own quality standards.
Part Number: 3000013489
The Color Verifier Option — included with Fiery XF Proofing — brings quality control to print environments enabling employees anywhere to work with the same colors and produce consistent color output every time. This flexible option supports a variety of measuring devices and industry standard control strips, plus Fiery’s unique Dynamic Wedge™ technology for job-specific color verification. Results can be checked against ISO standards, or own quality standards by defining individual tolerances and values. It can also cut distribution costs by serving as a reliable remote proofing and printing solution.

Cut Marks Option License
Offers support for industry standard cutting and finishing marks and methods.
Part Number: 3000013490
Included with Fiery XF Production (with Cut Marks Option), the Cut Marks Option for flatbed cutting generates and places marks in your job, and can extract multiple cut paths. The option seamlessly connects to the Zünd Cut Center, which ensures a reliable cut workflow by eliminating errors and automating time-consuming tasks. This option also includes i-cut level 1 and 2 output for maximum flexibility and connectivity to any compatible third-party cutting application. Barcodes can also be automatically created and placed for various cutting devices.

Cut Server Option License (requires Fiery XF 8 or later)
Offers a cutting solution that drives more than 2,100 vinyl cutters and routing tables from industry-leading partners.
Part Number: 3500000030
Included with Fiery XF Production (with Cut Server Option), this automated solution for roll-to-roll cutting, supports over 2,100 cutting devices and routing tables from more than 80 different manufacturers, saving precious time by eliminating the need to work with different software for each cutter type. The Cut Server Option increases productivity by connecting printed output and finishing processes. The Cut Server application can drive up to 2 cutting engines in parallel to meet tight turnaround times. Best of all, the option is easy-to-use and configure; anyone can use it, regardless of their experience level.

FAST Processing Option License (enquires CUDA enabled GPU)
Delivers performance boost in job processing through GPU based method.
Part Number: 3000014802
The FAST Processing Option for Fiery XF and Fiery proServer 8 and above delivers up to 13 times faster* processing of print jobs. This GPU card-enabled acceleration technology is available for a range of EFI and non-EFI printers, with the choice of up to four levels of acceleration to suit the quality needs of all job types.
* Performance gains are dependent on the FAST Processing level used. Factors mentioned are based on the latest Fiery proServer Premium configuration.

Ink Saving Option License for non-EFI printers
Reduces ink consumption while maintaining optimal image quality on selected non-EFI wide to superwide format printers.
Part Number: 3000013493
For selected printers*, the Fiery Ink Saving option can reduce ink consumption buy up to 40%** while still maintaining the optimal image quality for jobs.
* See the supported printer list for Fiery Ink Saving support.
** Savings are dependent on print job and conditions.

Upgrade to Fiery XF 8 version & 1 YR SMSA
Upgrade to Fiery XF 8 from version 5.0 and later.
Part Number: 3000014005
Upgrades to the latest release of the Fiery Server and all options licensed to that server. It includes a 1-year Software Maintenance & Support Agreement.

Trade-In to any Fiery XF 8 Configuration & 1 YR SMSA
A trade in from a non-Fiery RIP or Fiery eXpress to Fiery XF.
Part Number: Contact sales
Non-Fiery or Fiery eXpress RIP product trade in to the desired Fiery XF 8 Proofing or Fiery XF Production configuration with a 20% discount including options.

Fiery ES-3000 Spectrophotometer
Fiery handheld spectrophotometer for M0, M1, and M2 readings using Fiery Software.
Part Number: 45202445
The Fiery ES-3000 handheld spectrophotometer increases accuracy and speed for calibration, profiling, and spot color readings with:
- Fast and accurate measuring
- Single pass scanning for M0, M1, and M2 modes
- Ergonomic design for effortless readings and easy cleaning

Fiery XF 1 YR SMSA Renewal
Software Maintenance & Support Agreement – Yearly renewal fee for one or multiple year renewals.
Part Number: 100000006738
This Software Maintenance & Support Agreement (SMSA) renewal provides software updates and upgrades at no additional charge, plus remote product support from Fiery. Multiple years can be purchased at the same time to provide multiple years of cover.